Perinatal Dreaming is a ground-breaking virtual reality experience developed by fEEL Lab (UNSW) and led by artist, midwife/RN and trauma support worker, Marianne Wobcke. As one of thousands of Indigenous children forcibly removed from her mother at birth, Marianne has spent her career researching and supporting perinatal and intergenerational trauma, focusing especially on work with mothers and babies. The VR artwork presents a visually stunning immersive audio-visual experience evoking early life in the womb and entry into the world, taking us through experiences the ‘good’ and ‘toxic’ womb and first encounters with breast, skin and the world. Designed as a unique art experience, the piece can also be used in conjunction with therapeutic work.


Perinatal Dreaming has been awarded first prize at The Sheffield Documentary Festival’s International Virtual Reality Competition, 2024.

Perinatal Dreaming – Understanding Country

by Marianne Wobcke with Volker Kuchelmeister, Jill Bennett, Lucia Barrera, Glenn Barry, Naomi Sunderland, Phil Graham

Concept and creative direction: Marianne Wobcke

Producer: Jill Bennett

Art Director & Production Design (Digital): Volker Kuchelmeister

Sound Design: Lucia Barrera

Musicians: Glenn Barry, Naomi Sunderland

Music Recording and mix: Phil Graham

VR production design team: Volker Kuchelmeister, Jill Bennett, Marianne Wobcke, Gail Kenning, Lydia Gitau

Produced by BARC Big Anxiety Research Centre and fEEL felt Experience and Empathy Lab.

University of New South Wales Sydney in association with Creative Arts Research Institute and School of Health Sciences and Social Work, Griffith University.
